Twisted logic

BY THE River Swincombe, on Dartmoor, are the ruins of John Bishop’s house. The tumbled-down building has been empty since, well, to look at it hundreds of years. Actually, it was occupied until 1911, and renovated in 1969 as a film set. So what? Well, to put it another way: there are many fine and…


A politics-free zone YOU SHOULD expect the unexpected from a country occupied largely by Flemish and Walloons. I’m sorry if this offends any Belgian readers, but to my English-speaking ear “Walloon” sounds like something out of Monty Python – and the country’s record 541 days without a government could have been scripted by a satirist…

Doctor, Doctor

IT’S THAT time of year again: the panto season, and we all love tradition, don’t we? At their last full council meeting of the year our elected representatives in Plymouth like to do the whole “He’s behind you!” thing. Julian Clary and Keith Harris, appearing in Cinderella at the city’s Theatre Royal, have nothing to…